No Churn Ice Cream

I'm not going to kid with you...this is the simplest recipe I think I've ever known! It's a no churn ice cream, which means no crazy gadgets, and it's inexpensive, fresh, adaptable, and takes very little time to make. It is everything I hold dear! 

I will not lie to you either...I was watching Pioneer Woman make this and thought to myself, nahhhhhhhh, too easy. It probably tastes like garbagio. Well, I was wrongggg. I had leftover heavy whipping cream in my fridge, a can of sweetened condensed milk in my pantry (a new favorite canned good of mine) and thought I'd give it a whirl. Those are the only essential ingredients:

  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Sweetened condensed milk

I'm not kidding!!! 

ARGH, it's like infuriatingly simple. Like, who is responsible for not teaching me this? Even my elementary school teachers made me shake a bag for like 10 minutes with ice and salt. 

So here's how I made choco hazelnut ice cream, but all you need are those two ingredients and you can flavor with whatever you'd like:

Whip 1/2 cup of heavy cream into stiff peaks. Melt chocolate chips in a bowl and add to the whipped cream (but do not stir!). Add in Nutella/hazelnut spread. Pour in 1/4 of a can of Sweetened condensed milk. Add a pinch of salt for flavor boosting. Add 1/2 tsp of vanilla. NOW, fold the ingredients in lovingly. You do not want to get rid of your stiff peaks! Twould be irresponsible. Plus, you want to keep blobs of chocolate and hazelnut throughout the icecream for a fun variety in your bites. I poured the mixture into four ramekins, covered with plastic wrap, and stuck them in the freezer for a couple hours. 

When I took my first bite of this, I thought: surprisingly sweet, consistency is like icecream but creamier(?!). This is all I need in life. 

You should try it and then try to tell me I'm wrong. But you won't. 


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