
 There are moments when you are grooving in the kitchen, gonna make something spectacular to spice things up with your dormant tastebuds...and then disaster strikes. You don't have all of the ingredients. What to do?! While this post certainly won't cure everything, I think you may enjoy some of these substitutes, even as possible permanent solutions...

Chicken Katsu recipe featuring homemade katsu sauce

If you don't have:

Brown sugar - mix white sugar and molassas

Taco seasoning - use cumin

Buttermilk - take regular milk and sour it by adding a few tablespoons of vinegar, mix together, and let it sit for a few minutes. 

Eggs for a cake - create a buttermilk using the above method, and combine with unsweetened applesauce. Final touch - add boiling water as a last step before giving it a final mix and sticking it in the oven. 

Miracle Whip - mix regular mayonnaise with white sugar. 

Ricotta cheese for lasagna - just use cottage cheese

Katsu sauce - mix together ketchup, soy sauce, oyster sauce, worcestershire sauce, and sugar. 

This is a small list, but I'm leaving it here in hopes that it will continue to grow overtime. Please let me know in the comments if you have a substitute you are proud of! Also let me know if you are in need of a substitute and I will try my dang hardest. 


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