Creating Zen and Hygge

Hygge (pronounced hoogah) is the Danish term for feeling comfort from your surroundings. When I first moved to the city, it was very important for me to make a space for myself and find contentment. When we moved into our Dogpatch apartment, which was nothing more than 162 sq. ft., I found it difficult, but not impossible, which means I could create this hygge feeling anywhere. And you can too.

I started with a gated window.

It was definitely the most ugly part of the apartment, but I saw an opportunity. I wove fairy lights in and out of the gate so the entire thing was twinkling. Before, we were prisoners. After redecorating, we were snug as bugs in rugs. Rolling into the apartment at 7pm, I could walk into the apartment, turn the fairy lights on, tell Google to play dinner music, pour myself a glass of merlot, and start making dinner. It started getting a lil' cozier.

The window ledge proved useful as well. Opening the gate, it only got uglier. There was nothing to see except the neighbors' apartments, which sadly didn't prove entertaining throughout the year either. I ended up taping some lining on the bottom up onto the sides of the ledge to create a box of sorts (1" tall). I received a meditation kit from my mom for Christmas, and thought it would look darling in the window with some plants. In the "box" I laid down some meditation kit soil (black in color). I laid the gems and rocks down. I interspersed some tea candles and mini cacti plants. It really looked like a meditation garden for a Polly Pocket! The best part was that we could still open the window for a slight breeze, so the garden was completely out of the way in a space that would've gone otherwise unused. Who would've thought I could have a "garden" in a window sill? Despite its tininess, that space calmed me down in the midst of chaos. Creating zen is important.

Another place I created in our tiny apartment was a reading nook. It was the space between the foot of our bed and the front door (Ha! As if I had another door). We mounted a tall, skinny mirror on the wall which gave the illusion of more space. I taped San Francisco postcards to the wall to make it festive. I laid down a small, white, faux-fur rug that I bought from Ikea for $15. In the corner between the bed and the wall I placed a tan backrest pillow. I piled some books next to the backrest, until I acquired these Golden Gate Bridge bookends for $25 from the Land's End Lookout Center, whose proceeds go to protecting the park and preserving the land.
I placed a few plants around the nook area, starring Allie the Aloe Plant and Hermie the Snake Plant These types of plants grow well with no sun and also freshen the air. I made sure to have cute pots to place them in as well.

With these additions, the atmosphere completely changed. When you have such little space, it can seem like there's nowhere to go and escape to, but if you respect the different corners of the room and keep it clean, you will find the peace you seek.


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